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Families Served

Since 1990 the Fisher House Foundation has served more than 500,000 families with 97 Fisher Houses in operation by providing lodging and a community of support for military and veterans’ families.


Million Dollars Saved

The families of our military and veterans have been able to save more than $610 million through lodging and support provided by the Fisher House Foundation.


Million Days of Lodging

12 million days of lodging have been provided by the Fisher House Foundation at no cost to the families of our military and veterans while their loved one’s are receiving medical care and treatment.


  • Proud to announce Friends of the Lexington Fisher House are the recipients of a $5,000 grant from Toyota. These funds will help continue the Lexington VA Fisher House mission of providing free of charge housing to military and veteran families, while...

  • Tom Kenny, who helped establish the Friends of Lexington Fisher House nonprofit foundation nearly eight years ago to raise money to build the $9 million Lexington Fisher House, retired as the foundation’s president, chairman and secretary follo...

  • You may be eligible to stay in the Lexington Fisher House.  Here are the necessary steps to determine eligibility.  The Lexington Fisher House provides free lodging for Veterans and their families while receiving treatment in the Lexington VA Healt...