03 May How To Arrange To Stay In The Lexington Fisher House
You may be eligible to stay in the Lexington Fisher House. Here are the necessary steps to determine eligibility. The Lexington Fisher House provides free lodging for Veterans and their families while receiving treatment in the Lexington VA Health Care System. To be eligible to stay in the house, guests must live more than 50-miles from Lexington. Exceptions to the 50-mile rule, while rare, may be granted by the Fisher House manager. The next step is to have a member of the patient’s medical team request a ‘Fisher House Consult.’ That request can come from anyone involved in the Veterans care; doctor, nurse, social worker, appointment scheduler, etc… Once the consult is requested, a member of the Lexington Fisher House staff will contact you. Other eligibility requirements for the Veteran include receiving “episodic” care in the Lexington VA Health Care System and they must be accompanied by a family member or companion. The family member or companion must be involved in the Veteran’s “episodic” care and must be capable of self-care. For more information call 859-281-3825.
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