Fisher House Testimonials
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Fisher House Testimonials

Real Impact

“Compared to a hotel…. there is no comparison.”


“Somebody is there to comfort you”


“Your there with somebody who is in the same situation you are dealing with and you’re not alone.”

The Lexington Fisher House

The $9 million Lexington Fisher House serves as a home away from home for veterans’ families while their loved one receives medical treatment in the Lexington VA Health Care System.  The 13,400 square foot house features 16 private suites with a common kitchen, living room and dining area.  It’s estimated the house saves families $600,000 in lodging and transportation costs and provides up to 5,840 lodging days annually.  Upon its completion in late 2022, the Fisher House Foundation gifted the house to the VA for free.  The house is owned and operated by the VA with ongoing support from the Friends of Lexington Fisher House.  To make a tax-deductible donation in support of our veterans and the house, click on the ‘Donate’ button on the homepage.